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1.  Absolutely no short fish.  Officials will use the Golden Rule (flatboard style measuring) .  Fish will be measured per PA State law, with mouth closed and tail slightly compressed.  Each team's shortest fish will be measured, regardless of appearing legal or not.  Short fish will be removed from the weigh in and returned to the lake immediately.

Short fish penalty:  Violators will forfeit their largest fish, and my be subject to State penalties.  TMO highly recommends checking fish on your own prior to bringing them to weigh in.


2.  Livewell/cooler checks prior to tournament blast off mandatory on all boats.  All boats must have an operational livewell.  Livewells must be recirculating or aerated/temperature controlled.  Questionable livewells may cause disqualification.  Check will be performed by TMO Official. 


3.  Contestants must launch boat at pre-designated boat launch per the schedule.  If your teammate is late, they must be picked up at the designated boat launch where the tourney began.


4.  Tournament will start on time.  You must be signed in and have your livewell checked prior to published start time.  No late entries will be accepted, unless prior arrangements are made with TMO officials, and no fish caught prior to livewell check will count. You must immediately find a TMO official on the lake for livewell check once you arrive.  


5.  You should be back at the designated boat launch at specified tournament end time.  Weigh-in will start 10 minutes after end of tournament.  You MUST be at launch by the time weigh in starts, and you cannot hold up weigh in.  The TMO recommends being at the dock at specified end time so you have time to bag fish prior to weigh in.  If you have an issue AT THE LAUNCH that is causing you delay, notify a TMO official immediately so you don't receive a penalty.  We will deduct 8 ounces per minute if you arrive at the launch after weigh in starts, or hold the weigh in up.


6.  There will be an 8 oz penalty for each dead fish weighed in.  Fish must be able to swim away effortlessly when returned to the lake.  TMO officials will determine health of fish.  If it is determined that the fish will eventually die, then the penalty will apply.  Dead fish will not qualify for lunker.  YOU are responsible for any dead fish brought to weigh in.  TMO does not endorse or condone wasting our resources.  Please take dead fish home to consume, or find someone who will.  Dead fish will not qualify for Big Bass of the Tourney.   


7.  NO tolerance policy for cheaters.  No live bait.  No snagging.  No trolling.  Only one rod with line in the water may be used at a time.  NO fish trading, buying, sharing, etc.  All fish weighed must be caught with rod and reel DURING TOURNAMENT HOURS in an ethical and lawful manner.  You may not use a non-competitor to reserve fishing spots, or block other competitors. 


8.  Each contestant is expected to follow high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy, and conservation.  All participants are required to abide by all local, state, and federal laws and fish regulations, including boat regulations.


9.  You must remain within 50 yards of the boat launch, unless notified differently prior to event, until the official blast off is announced.  No more than 2 people in a boat during tournament hours, regardless of whether they are fishing or not.


11.  You may carry spare batteries and trolling motors in your boat.  It is permissible to have anyone deliver a battery or trolling motor to you if you are stranded.  It is also permitted to be towed in by anyone, as long as they are using a trolling motor to tow your boat. 


12. (NEW)  The lake is off-limits the day before a tournament.  For example, if there is a tournament at Shawnee Lake on Saturday, you cannot fish Shawnee Lake on Friday if you are planning on fishing the tournament.  This applies to members and non-members.  The penalty will be disqualification for that event.  Please note, violators must be witnessed by a TMO official.  No exceptions.  Please don't send pictures, videos, etc. of violators.  You may report a violator to a TMO official, but it must be done on Friday so an official has a chance to witness the violation. 

13.  Propulsion must be by electric trolling motor only.  Electric outboard engines are prohibited.  Kayaks are prohibited, even if powered by an electric trolling motor.    


14.  TMO officials are responsible for obtaining State and park permits, weighing and recording fish, and reporting results to the PA Fish and Boat Commission.  TMO officials will also be responsible for arranging livewell checks, and ensuring that all TMO rules are understood and followed by all contestants.


15.  TMO officials will be responsible for delegating work to other TMO members.  This includes help with livewell checks, help with sign in, weigh-in scorekeeper, weigh-in scale attendant, etc.  Volunteering to help with these tasks would be greatly appreciated.


16.  The top 3 finish positions will be paid, along with the big bass of the tourney when there are 18 or more boats.

     The top 2 finish positions will be paid, along with the big bass of the tourney when there are less than 18 boats.

     TMO officials will be responsible for holding and distributing all monies, and obtaining and distributing 1st place trophies.


17.  Tiebreakers for money positions:  In case of a tie, the team with the largest fish will win the position.  If it's still a tie, then the two teams will be declared tied and will split the prizes.


18.  If there is a tie for big bass of the tourney, the cash will be split evenly.


19.  TMO officials will be responsible for accurate weighing fish, ensuring that the batteries are fresh and the scales are working properly.  Scales must be on a level surface, and total weight read out must not be covered or blocked.  The large LED scale display reads in pounds and ounces.  10 lb 4 oz will show as "10-04".  However, the scale weighs down to the tenth of an ounce.  The small display at the scale shows this.  Therefore, if your actual weight is 10 lb 4.2 oz, the large display will read as mentioned, but the tenth of an ounce will be recorded on the official score sheet.


20.  Gas motors are permitted to assist in loading or unloading of boat on lakes where gas motors are legal.  Gas motors are NOT permitted during tournament hours, and usage during these hours will result in automatic disqualification. 


21.  All regular season tournaments are "Open" events (unless noted as Restricted on the schedule), meaning contestants do not have to be a TMO member.  However, non-members are not eligible for the point championship and associated prize money, and 20% of any tournament winnings for non-members will be kept by the TMO for future tournament services.  You can become a member at any time, but no points will count for any events fished prior to paying your membership dues (this includes paying immediately after an event).  Some events will require a pre-registration to ensure we stay under the maximum allowed amount of boats.


22.  TMO officials are required to weigh each team's largest fish, and measure each team's shortest fish prior to weighing entire catch.

23.  Failure to comply with TMO officials regarding rules could result in disqualification and/or eligibility for future tournaments revoked.   Anything not covered in the rules will be at the discretion of TMO officials, including interpretation of existing rules.  If you have questions regarding these rules, please ask a TMO official.  


24.  If any TMO rule is clearly broken, the resulting penalty is automatic disqualification (unless otherwise noted).


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